Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services [NDF C44]

The project objective is to strengthen hydrological and meteorological information services to deliver reliable and timely information that increases climate resilience

Transforming Hydro-Meteorological Services Project
Ref: NDF C44

EUR 4.5 million
Project period: 2014-2020
Partner agency: World Bank (WB)


The Hydro-Meteorological Services project is a special sub-project to the WB National Water Resources Development Project (NWRDP). The project is under the umbrella of the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR); a multi-donor long-term investment programme that will play a catalytic role in promoting climate-resilient growth strategies in Mozambique. The project objective is to strengthen hydrological and meteorological information services to deliver reliable and timely information that increases climate resilience, in turn lowering water and weather related risks to local communities and economic development:

  1. Strengthening Hydrological Information Management. The component will support: strengthening and optimisation of the physical hydrological monitoring networks; improving quality control and standard enforcement; data management, modelling, forecasting and early warning systems and ICT; skills, capacities and training; product development; and financial sustainability.

  2. Strengthening Weather and Climate Information Management. The component will support: strengthening and optimisation of the physical meteorological monitoring networks; improving quality control and standard enforcement; data management, modelling, forecasting and early warning systems and ICT; skills, capacities and training; product development; and financial sustainability.

  3. Piloting resilience through delivery of improved weather and water information. The component will support pilot interventions to enable solutions for more effective inter-agency exchange, and delivery of hydro-meteorological products. The proposed pilots will include: early warning systems and flood forecasting in the Zambezi River basin; agro-information services in the Limpopo River basin; weather service alerts for artisanal fisheries; and competitive small grant scheme for innovative hydro-met solutions.

The NDF component will be implemented by the National Institute for Meteorology (INAM). The NDF funding will be provided as parallel co-financing.


Total cost of the project will be EUR 17.0 million, of which NDF will provide EUR 4.5 million, WB EUR 11.4 million (USD 15 million) and local counterpart financing EUR 1.14 million.

NDF Contact

Program Manager Aage Jørgensen
Telephone +358 10 618 002

Related documents

Grant Agreement C44

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